Do not DO meditation, Float - Osho
Osho, What is the difference between doing meditation, and being in meditation? It is the same difference I am already explaining to you. If a person is doing meditation, he is trying to make a confused mind peaceful. What will he do? He will attempt to make his mind quiet. When an individual is being in meditation, he is not trying to quiet down his mind; instead he is slipping away from it. If it is sunny outside, you may see a man trying to open his umbrella - and umbrellas can be opened outside in the sun; one may stand under its shade, or any other shade. But such umbrellas can never be opened within the mind. The only kind of umbrella there can be in the mind is of thoughts - but they make no difference. It is as if a man were to stand in the sun with his eyes closed, thinking that an umbrella is over his head and that he is not feeling hot now. But he is bound to feel hot. This man is trying to cool down the sun. He is trying to do meditation. Now there i...