
Osho quotes

People ordinarily think that forgiveness is for those who are WORTHY of it, who deserve it. But if somebody deserves, is worthy of forgiveness, it is not much of a forgiveness. You are not doing anything on your part; he deserves it. You are not really being love and compassion.

Your forgiveness will be authentic only when even those who don’t deserve it receive it.

In fact I would like to make the statement that the man who is unworthy deserves more than the man who is worthy. The man who does not deserve, deserves more, because he is so poor; don’t be hard upon him. Life has been hard upon him. He has gone astray; he has suffered because of his wrong doings. Now don’t you be hard on him. He needs more love than those who are deserving; he needs more forgiveness than those who are worthy. This should be the only approach of a religious heart.

The question is not whether anybody is worthy or not. The question is whether YOU have the consciousness, the abundance of love — then forgiveness will come out of it spontaneously. It is not a calculation, it is not arithmetic. Life is love, and living a life of love is the only religious life, the only life of prayer, peace, the only life of gratitude, grandeur, splendor.


When we forgive another, we not only set the other but OURSELVES free. It is a win-win situation; an ennobling act of selflessness.

But they don’t deserve it!

The sun shines on everyone; it doesn’t decide who deserves its light and who doesn’t. True love is unconditional. And until we ourselves have attained perfection, who are we to judge others?


When you view life as ETERNAL, forgiveness is the only thing that makes sense. To bear grudges is a kind of childishness, for to hurt one another is a natural part of human life.
Our wounds help us grow wiser and stronger. To truly forgive is to press ‘fast forward’ on the evolutionary path.

To forgive is DIVINE, so if somebody comes to you and says that he has committed a mistake against you, don’t miss the opportunity of tasting something of the divine. Or, when you have committed some mistake and you go to somebody else to be forgiven, you are giving him a great chance to have some taste of the divine. It is good for BOTH of you.

By forgiving, he tastes something which is impossible to explain; it can only be called divine, godliness. And you also will feel something tremendously beautiful: humbleness, egolessness.

But remember not to commit the mistake again. It should become a decision in you; then you are really repentant.

It has nothing to do with God, it has nothing to do with any priest;
it has something to do with your own psychology.


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